
Friday, March 29, 2013

They say that it's Easter, but the Rabbit done died.

And speaking of dumb bunnys!
Has there ever be a more self absorbed group of corporate tit sucking clown's? I doubt it. As the planet revolts in reaction to the abuse of her people and resources, the clock of cosmic retribution is up, the universe will make the corrections required. Of all the creatures that grace this most amazing of biospheres, only humanity has the capacity to better this world, or destroy it. There are two ways out of here, ascension or true death. This is the one thing that I fear, not knowing the maker, true death, an end to the soft parade. Death of the soul, now that's some scarey shit. To give up untold eons of lifetimes, living, loving, learning, growing, and then, nothing? What a true waste. So lets put our lessons learned to create a better world, for all those to follow. Time to fire all these clown's, and start over...

A simple thought!
Why do we allow corporations to make a profit?

Just this one change alone,  would change the world!!!

Corporations are the root of all evil

The first corporations were chartered by Royalty, to serve the interests of the crown, with all profits going back to the Royals, who were validated by the "church" who then get their 10%? (the single richest collection of wealth and knowledge on the planet)  why do you think our counties forefathers were so addament about the seperation of "church" and state? Hum, are you starting to get the picture? Easter is the start of a new world reality, the vail of obscurity has been lifted, the crimes of "church" and state exposed, must we continue to pay these clown's (please "sir" may I have another?) as they continue to rape us all?

Fuck that!!

Free yourself..

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