
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter- More Poison Candy for the Masses

As Easter is celebrated, I find myself wondering, what's the hook that keeps bringing in the masses? I'm sure it's entertaining, but really? The Pope's a dope, the Original Godfather, head of the largest crime syndicate ever created, a pack of wolfs  cloaked in sheeps clothing, positioned to abuse every aspect of world society, from children to banks, weapons and drugs. Nothing is sacred to the masters of deception. When you look back to true history, you see a pattern of criminality, sanctioned by a system designed to amass great power, by absorbing the wealth of the planet, thru plunder and coercion. The Crusades were nothing more than raiding party's, state sanctioned piracy, all in the name of,  God, and behind the state, the church, in all its gold frocked hippocracy. Slowly building the single greatest collection of wealth and power on the planet. Once we would call it Rome, today it's called the Vatican.
If you are a member of this group, shame on you. You are ether evil, ignorant, or just stupid, if this statement offends you, think of how your victims felt or feel, the disposed, the murdered, the raped, the broken millions wordwide, it angers me beyond belif, and for this you must pay, you will pay. If you think of yourself as a "Christian ", yet silently stand back and allow these crimes against humanity to occure, then you are as guilty as if you turned on the gas, or abused that child. So as you sit insulated in you comfortable illusion, a reckoning is coming, what will you reap from your works?  Were not the Nazi, Christian? People are always looking for that pivotal moment in history, where did we go wrong, could we have made better choices?  For Amerika,  that would be the day they used Atomics against women, children, pets, even the planet, then they did it again, alltold, about 150,000 souls. Gone in a instant. How could any profested religious person do such a thing? They couldn't, and in that instant, they changed reality. They created a world where evil could be "justified". When white could be black, evil could be good. This is just simply wrong. Evil acts can't be commited by good men. Any truly  spiritual person knows this, do you? If you carry the true light within your heart, you know the truth, and only this can set our collective humanity free. We have reached critical mass, only one more person will change the balance, that person is you. Will you change the future with me? Freedom is a beautiful concept, free you mind, free your heart. Lets free the world of the life sucking systems that will destroy all that is beautiful and good in our world. Free ourselves of the govermental parasites (O'Bomber) that think they rule us. Free of the corporations that think they own us. (Banksters) Free of the lies they continue to feed us. (Monsanto) Free of the fear they create to control us. (Big Media) <,br> Free to Thrive (community)

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