
Monday, April 29, 2013

My Man in Tokyo....Good news all around, Ben Fulford (April 30 2013) ~ Desperate Sabbatean Mafia Tries To Bribe Putin With Offers Of World Power: Gnostic Illuminati

Ben Fulford (April 30 2013) ~ Desperate Sabbatean Mafia Tries To Bribe Putin With Offers Of World Power: Gnostic Illuminati

Having been in a hazy funk for the last week or so, something brought on by the Boston Obomascare, which coincidentally happened the same day that a bipartisan commission on torture, handed down a indictment of WAR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. This by a Federal Court, against Clinton, Bush, and Obama, well, what the hell, just a few more collateral casualties, AMERICAN NONCOMBATINS, women and children on main street, in the neverending WAR on everything, But to the point, I've been sick at heart over the apparent complicity of the American people, for allowing this travesty against the World, for year after year, that I reached a point where I lost sight of the bigger picture. The world not just America must change, for the better, or we all burn up. Ether by a nuclear war, a meteor strike, or God only knows what. Yet here we stand, at the theshold of historical significance, do we save our dieing planet, bring true equality to the masses? Remove corruption from everything. Or do we let the evil ones get away with our souls? Don't know about you, but I'm in it to the end. I'm done with being the fuel that feeds these parasites, done with the insidiously imposed fear that our government has force on the world, just so the privileged can be uberrich! Oh hell no I say, ENOUGH. TO HELL WITH YOU AND YOURS...(why does anybody need more than a million dollars, rupals,pounds, marks, or seashells, life is so much more than blatant opulance, its about family, health,security, happiness...let's bring back the beauty, the grander, the laugher, the light of truth will set us free....finally and into the future!!! LETS GET IT ON CHALLANGE BULLSHIT EXPOSE CORRUPTION LIVE FREE, DIE HAPPY AT LEAST GO DOWN LAUGHING!! PEACE, LOVE IS THE WAY....

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