
Thursday, July 26, 2012

The universe does it again, seems opportunity is pounding on the door, man the pressure, do I really want to have the riches of Internet wealth and success, silly question, do I want to live in a tropical paradise, du. Why do I resist success, what is wrong with this picture. Have I become that jaded, so weary of get rich guru's, yeees, but what if this is the real deal, hummm, whats 100 dollars right, what, dinner for 6 @ Mcdonalds, but the true kicker is, residual income, magic, pure musical magic, the only true revenue stream, yes, I'll answer the door, whip out my wallet, and smile, this time. Hello, kitty! I'm Tokyo bound, Christmas in Hawaii, oh hell yes, 2012, out with a bang! Osaka to me for New Years, sounds like a party, oh ya, upwards, on wards, the sun never sleeps, the moon shines on. Its a beautiful life, as a special release, my next post will be my recently completed short story. It's a little erotic, in a sublime way, hope you enjoy it, it was fun to write, like my haiku's, well must check out the latest solar reports, shocking about the Greenlandic ice sheet, it actually melted in 4 days this last week, lets see how "they" spin this. Oh this sh*t "happens all the time" ha!

The photo below on the left is a image from July 8th 2012, the right one was taken on the 12th of July 2012. The white is the ice sheet, the pink is land mass. Amazing, and yet solar activity is off the charts, but NASA, the government, have said nothing, my, my, my. Change is coming, and it's coming fast. are you ready, got a clue on what to do?  I do, I'm going to enjoy the changes, thats right, enjoy the madness. Madness you say, madness I say, so stay tuned, it only gets better, be safe, be smart, be here now, ogntempe out.

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