
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Did you miss the Cherry blossoms?

Wow. so early this year. The blossoms are almost gone...3 weeks early, in fact they are done in Okinawa, the most southerly range and therefore the earliest blossoms. You could still catch the blossoms in DC, why anyone would want to, go to DC that is, even for Cherry Blossoms. Yes, their mostly done. Still as beautiful as always, but early enough to cause some concern. To those of us that pay attention to such things. Yes the world is moving faster. Time is getting stretched,  hard to tell yesterday from?  When was yesterday? Did it even happen?
Yet, still, great evil is flourishing. We see it everywhere. But mostly in the systems that feed off us...Corporations and Governments.  The grabbers are maddly grabbing,everything.  Cyprus, may be their undoing, their Waterloo, the sutleness is gone, their illusions are transparent, they fuked up, this time. This must be stop, here now. The times of evil will soon be over. You've had your time in the Sun, now it's back to the darkness, this is the new age of enlightenment. Truth and wisdom for the masses. A new reality,  it is the dawn, time to wake, time to make...the future. Thls reality an't going to get it. As long as one child suffers, so suffer us all. Don't you get it? As long as ONE of us suffers, we ALL suffer.  It's that simple...look deep.  Hope you like what you are. If not, time is slipping away.
So, the thought for the day.
Battlecry for a new millennium ...

Hands off motherfuker!!

Have a great day,  have a great life!
Let's make it so....

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