
Sunday, March 31, 2013

A message from the Heart
the mad KING of Hearts surveying
his Kingdom....
these are the times we live...
these are the challenges of the times,
We cannot control the world around us,
yet we do control how we perceive
and interact with the madness....we must be
yes it sounds simple,
and in fact it actually is....simple.
we are here, for a divine purpose,
to share in the love and magic that the
to return to that from which we come,
but never left...
the ONE
can't you feel it?
the world has changed, we have changed,
all that we can become...we are, and always have been.
some of us have become trapped,
bound to the old paridims, old patterns,
old beliefs, old systems of control.
these are swiftly being swept away
as the energies that wash and strenghten
our souls, grows with each day,
so to does the light of truth and love
The dark beings of chaos and fear,
are now being seen for what they are and
who they are
their days are over, their fear is palatable,
they know that they have lost control.
So now they lash out in a frenzy of fear and panic.
It's to late
the light is growing
there is no place to hide.
yes, the world has gotten smaller
yet it's big enough for all to live like the
some of you are QUEENS...
no doubt, yet proverty is imposed by those with the power
to take advantage of the weak, the unexpecting, the gullible,
in truth
we are all wealthy beyond imagining...
we are all equal in stature regardless of size.
or wealth
we are beautiful
we are eternal
we are

Easter- More Poison Candy for the Masses

As Easter is celebrated, I find myself wondering, what's the hook that keeps bringing in the masses? I'm sure it's entertaining, but really? The Pope's a dope, the Original Godfather, head of the largest crime syndicate ever created, a pack of wolfs  cloaked in sheeps clothing, positioned to abuse every aspect of world society, from children to banks, weapons and drugs. Nothing is sacred to the masters of deception. When you look back to true history, you see a pattern of criminality, sanctioned by a system designed to amass great power, by absorbing the wealth of the planet, thru plunder and coercion. The Crusades were nothing more than raiding party's, state sanctioned piracy, all in the name of,  God, and behind the state, the church, in all its gold frocked hippocracy. Slowly building the single greatest collection of wealth and power on the planet. Once we would call it Rome, today it's called the Vatican.
If you are a member of this group, shame on you. You are ether evil, ignorant, or just stupid, if this statement offends you, think of how your victims felt or feel, the disposed, the murdered, the raped, the broken millions wordwide, it angers me beyond belif, and for this you must pay, you will pay. If you think of yourself as a "Christian ", yet silently stand back and allow these crimes against humanity to occure, then you are as guilty as if you turned on the gas, or abused that child. So as you sit insulated in you comfortable illusion, a reckoning is coming, what will you reap from your works?  Were not the Nazi, Christian? People are always looking for that pivotal moment in history, where did we go wrong, could we have made better choices?  For Amerika,  that would be the day they used Atomics against women, children, pets, even the planet, then they did it again, alltold, about 150,000 souls. Gone in a instant. How could any profested religious person do such a thing? They couldn't, and in that instant, they changed reality. They created a world where evil could be "justified". When white could be black, evil could be good. This is just simply wrong. Evil acts can't be commited by good men. Any truly  spiritual person knows this, do you? If you carry the true light within your heart, you know the truth, and only this can set our collective humanity free. We have reached critical mass, only one more person will change the balance, that person is you. Will you change the future with me? Freedom is a beautiful concept, free you mind, free your heart. Lets free the world of the life sucking systems that will destroy all that is beautiful and good in our world. Free ourselves of the govermental parasites (O'Bomber) that think they rule us. Free of the corporations that think they own us. (Banksters) Free of the lies they continue to feed us. (Monsanto) Free of the fear they create to control us. (Big Media) <,br> Free to Thrive (community)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Solar update for Easter

Watch "3MIN News March 29, 2013" on YouTube
Going to be awesome, but don't eat the painted eggs! A time for soul searching if your still buying into the "church". I for one believe in the "maker". Churches are a construct of man. Its the original pyramid scam (created by the Illuminati) a system designed to get you to volunteer your hard earned treasure, like most modern charities that spend most of the money on themselves. They have wielded this mass fortune in to a global empire, based in Rome. The Vatican is a sovereign nation, complete with it's own private army of Swiss Guards, The largest Bank on earth. They control Royals all over the world. They founded the original Illuminati. They are the Freemasons, who built the pyramids, plundered Egypt of their gold, and then spread out across the world.  Take a hard look at the Vatican, this Easter, all the bling, the flaunting of gold on gold, and that's just what they show us, the real story is what they won't show, or share, 2000 years of planetary rape and plunder, the subjugation of heathen nations and peoples, down thru the ages. To today, where they have a vast global network of trafficking in people, weapons, drugs and money. Yes Easter is showtime, when the curtain goes up, pay attention, you just might see the truth.

The truth can set you free
but first, we must free the truth!

They say that it's Easter, but the Rabbit done died.

And speaking of dumb bunnys!
Has there ever be a more self absorbed group of corporate tit sucking clown's? I doubt it. As the planet revolts in reaction to the abuse of her people and resources, the clock of cosmic retribution is up, the universe will make the corrections required. Of all the creatures that grace this most amazing of biospheres, only humanity has the capacity to better this world, or destroy it. There are two ways out of here, ascension or true death. This is the one thing that I fear, not knowing the maker, true death, an end to the soft parade. Death of the soul, now that's some scarey shit. To give up untold eons of lifetimes, living, loving, learning, growing, and then, nothing? What a true waste. So lets put our lessons learned to create a better world, for all those to follow. Time to fire all these clown's, and start over...

A simple thought!
Why do we allow corporations to make a profit?

Just this one change alone,  would change the world!!!

Corporations are the root of all evil

The first corporations were chartered by Royalty, to serve the interests of the crown, with all profits going back to the Royals, who were validated by the "church" who then get their 10%? (the single richest collection of wealth and knowledge on the planet)  why do you think our counties forefathers were so addament about the seperation of "church" and state? Hum, are you starting to get the picture? Easter is the start of a new world reality, the vail of obscurity has been lifted, the crimes of "church" and state exposed, must we continue to pay these clown's (please "sir" may I have another?) as they continue to rape us all?

Fuck that!!

Free yourself..

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tid bits from the farside, (of the world)

Weekly geo-political news and analysis

Ben Fulford puts out one of the few, truly informative news compilations. Covering behind the scenes. Sharing information about the movers, shakers, the policico fakers, the power brokers, the money chasers, I have much respect for Ben. There are many that would wish him ill, yet even in hiding, he still continues to keep us all boggles the mind, how most people accept the media's crap. We know how well they reported the run up to the Iraqi War, the Ben Lauden affair(with CIA) and 911 (WTF) and Katrina, Sandyhook, Chris Domer, and on and on, its sicking and sad. The ethos of the fith estate is shit. Pure spoon fed shit, and apparentlly the mass of Amerika just can't get enough. If you want to learn the truth, quit hiding from it, you must seek it out, the truth is out there....and its nothing like you imagine!

Fascinating stuff, this. While this is the stuff of nightmares, it's mostly the unknown that we truly fear,  and only when we know about great evil, can we focus on and correct that evil. So, that being said, enjoy the show. It's actually very enlightening, as well as entertaining. So I hope you will join the move...why does it always have to start "over there" shits hitting the fan here! Right? And your a fan, a freedom fan!


The photos below are from Denver International Airport, a whole other story....

HAARP AT WORK ...may be time to start preparing, if you haven't already.

Watch "'HAARP' Satellite TTA Creates Firey Holographic Alien Ship Off Burning California Shore" on YouTube
Is it a sign of the times? Absolutely, time to prepare to duck,  as the shit goes flying into the fan. Seriously, have you thought about what tp do when it does? You might want to check out the Arizona Preppers Expo this Saturday in Peoria.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Best research on HAARP, & TTA, and government gone crazy

Thank you Rev Michelle Hopkins.

Still slow cooking up something, let's keep the shields up people, positive energy has protected us all, so far

Watch "3MIN News March 27, 2013: Gamma Burst, Quake Watch, Spaceweather" on YouTube
This soft pulsing looks to continue, with more storm's, more water, massive flooding, still watching out for giant hail,  heads ant close to being over, it's just starting to get interesting.
For those of you curious about the manmade influences, (HAARP, TTA, ELF, Ect.) Check out Rev. Michelle Hopkins Channel on UTUBE, awesome, she's looked at the heart of this government maddnesse.

Looks like we'll have another great day here in the Valley of the Sun, glad I like the warmness, keep dry,keep warm, be safe out there.

The link above to Rev Michelle Hopkins is not working,  will post new link in follow up, sorry,  this site is the shizzel!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

In the jungle, the urban jungle, the Lyon sleeps tonight.

Watch "3MIN News March 26, 2013" on YouTube
What did I say, in like a lamb, out with a roar! Here it comes! 
Haarp & TTA, working over time seems nobody's biting on WWlll,  so back up plan,  creat a mega disaster, like Katrina, while we're all helping each other the elites are helping themselves to whatever they can get away with (where's the gold?) and if Cyprus is any indication, today 9-10%, tomorrow ....? skys the limit,  or there are no limits, now major banks are making "payday loans" @ 300% or more. They know they can do anything they want, they own the government. Feeling queasy yet, you should, there are no protections for your bank savings, for real my friend, for real!

Be the movement,
is this a bank or a chapel?
Rich and privileged,

Cameron. You've done it again,

What a story maker, and he says Avitar, is good for 5/6 movies, "to cover the full story arc. Brilliant!
But what about yesterday's world record dive down the big gash!
Some amazing discovery's., James Cameron is a true role model if ever there was one!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Big one's coming, the lords of darkness are at it again.

Watch "'HAARP' TTA's ~ US West Coast Earthquakes ~ MAN MADE ~ RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES" on YouTube
This is amazing stuff,  thanks to the Reverend Michelle Hopkins, fantastic research. The facts are out, unfortunately, it seems that all the major countries have and use this technology,  it will be stopped,  those responsible know exactly what they are doing. The judgement is in. The guilty will pay at the cost of their eternal souls. Silly rabbits, would you stick your head in a microwave?  I think not.
Time to move on, enough with the weather modification.  Mother nature does a much better job of it.

Lets fix this maddness. Demand accountability from the military/gov for attempted manslaughter.


Free the sky

We are now in overtime. time to put away THEIR silly distractions, really. There is a war for the souls of this planet! OUR planet, and most of you are worried about March Maddness?? Aghhh, god help us, but I believe we are better than this. I for one am fighting on, the future belongs to those who creat it, lets make it so. If you care, read on. Montague Keen ~ March 24 2013

This link is the best site on the planet, that I am aware of, if you know of a better one, please let me know.  Thanks, but please, read on.

Montague Keen ~ March 24 2013

So much is going down. Hopefully, the light will shine, truth be told, evil rewarded justly, what is a just reward for true evil, true goodness?  Forgiveness?  Right?  It's a tough call. But any evil is just that, the flip side of good. But good is big enough to carry evil, in small doses,  but evil will not carry good, it has to own good, thus becoming, well...for lack of a better example, WALMART.  If you can't see that, sorry, you need to go back to the playoffs. Or wherever you need to hide your head, it's only the future of our kids that is at stake here. So, educate yourself, become part of the change. Turn off the TV, put your money where it counts. Lets starve the bastards out, all it would take is 30 days, maybe less.
A Worldwide boycott.
Stop the money...stop the maddness.
Time to be the warriors we trained to be.

the endgame!

Did you miss the Cherry blossoms?

Wow. so early this year. The blossoms are almost gone...3 weeks early, in fact they are done in Okinawa, the most southerly range and therefore the earliest blossoms. You could still catch the blossoms in DC, why anyone would want to, go to DC that is, even for Cherry Blossoms. Yes, their mostly done. Still as beautiful as always, but early enough to cause some concern. To those of us that pay attention to such things. Yes the world is moving faster. Time is getting stretched,  hard to tell yesterday from?  When was yesterday? Did it even happen?
Yet, still, great evil is flourishing. We see it everywhere. But mostly in the systems that feed off us...Corporations and Governments.  The grabbers are maddly grabbing,everything.  Cyprus, may be their undoing, their Waterloo, the sutleness is gone, their illusions are transparent, they fuked up, this time. This must be stop, here now. The times of evil will soon be over. You've had your time in the Sun, now it's back to the darkness, this is the new age of enlightenment. Truth and wisdom for the masses. A new reality,  it is the dawn, time to wake, time to make...the future. Thls reality an't going to get it. As long as one child suffers, so suffer us all. Don't you get it? As long as ONE of us suffers, we ALL suffer.  It's that simple...look deep.  Hope you like what you are. If not, time is slipping away.
So, the thought for the day.
Battlecry for a new millennium ...

Hands off motherfuker!!

Have a great day,  have a great life!
Let's make it so....

Saturday, March 23, 2013

whats that smell? Ethan A. Huff ~ Toxic Bayou Corne Sinkhole In Louisiana Slowly Swallowing Up State

 what starts out as a fall hazard
can soon become a flying hazard
Ethan A. Huff ~ Toxic Bayou Corne Sinkhole In Louisiana Slowly Swallowing Up State

It's about the migration of methane and other gases, reacting to the displacement of underground oil, many things are happening under foot,
the potential for disaster here is staggering.
so as the hole grows....
we all hold our breath.
good to know somebodies on this.....right?
So 9 months later....the govener will visit site on Wed.that should take care of it.
Seem things are smelly all over....from the seizure of public funds in Cyprus,
to the smooth manipulation of the Senate by Monsanto, to permanently
protect themselves from future legal action, it would seem that,
the assholes of the world are running wild through the courts and
governments of the world, this sh*t must end....!
Accountability will prevail, but we must press the war on stupid...we must take back that which is ours!
in a single moment, enough energy to power all of
 Zoo York for a day...staggering,
yet we continue to burn shit, fuk up the sky, sea, and land...because we
are lazy? or somebodies just greedy...tuff answer, old question.
simple solutions....simple questions
the Mystery Ship....
thank you Pancho Barnes,
 Aviatrix, Union Organizer, Flying Dude Ranch Owner, Stunt Pilot, ahead of her time,
a Hell's Angel before they were born,
at one time, the fastest woman in America,
probably the most interesting woman of her day,
owner of the Happy Bottom Riding Club, site of Edwards AFB
A fascinating character...
keep those heads in the clouds folks, if we can't make it better, let's at least make it right!!
big week ahead,
heads up,
Be Here Now

Dont drink the water. Peter Paul Parker ~ Fluoride Cocktail: The Elite̢۪s Elixir Of Death

This is madness, where is MADD!! This is your kind of battle! They are posioning your kids, and you!! Does explain why bottled water is #1 drink world wide. It's all connected, same people poisoning the water, own the bank's. Do we really want to "bail" these people out, of what, their private islands. Their rooftop townhouses, right, their kids just wait for our kids to all die off, nice. Write/Boycott. Everything corporate...boycott everything...evil ,educate everyone .....espeically yourself, time to change the world, one mind at a time. There is a movement worldwide, aimed at correcting the balance in the world ...are you aware? Are you legend..... Welcome to my world OG on the road... On to brighter things, the weather. It has been glorious, in the valley of the Sun. Been blessed, times change, We are all in this together. Let's make this planet a garden again, its all about how and what we consume, let's do it, wisely. Have a blessed day, HANDS OFF MOVEMENT 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Two of the nuttiest Skqurrils to ever fall out of the sky

And do Rio like she likes it... awesome,   Watch "Urban wingsuit flying into Rio de Janeiro - Ludovic Woerth & Jokke Sommer" on YouTube
Bucket list?  Haha not till they have onboard crap bags ...LOL

Giant hole cometh, .Jersey shores rerun? Damn, look over there

Watch "3MIN News March 20, 2013: Jersey Quake Event, Coronal Hole Coming" on YouTube
Showtime, another wave of sever weather, ocean to ocean ...Europe & Asia are suffering brutal weather as we hunker down.
Biblical. Hey Jude, don't be alone, don't be sad man, revelationsl are just behind you, and now it's judgement day, just like sodom and Zoo York, God's displeasure is terrible to behold....he can be down right medieval as he is all sides of all coins,  you don't cheat God or his peeps. Only yourself

Don't be a goat

The Sun Rises, the RIGHTS of Spring!! Remember, in like a lamb, well, now it's time to roar...solidarity, Save Cyprus, follow Iceland. They got it right. Let the banksters go bankrupt. They deserve to go hell

This day is the line in the sand. Total boycott till the world is free of corruption in government and business

Taking it to the street!

3-21-2013 TILL................we b free


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Well, it wasn't a aircraft carrier, just a car flying by ...

<p>March 21, my my, Timing is everything, wouldn't you agree, that car scared the the Jesus out me, did not go well with the driver. Sad, it's that stupid complex,  terrible design, only room for two cars @ security gate. Great, the gate that protects you, is actually the cause of your accident?  What a irony what day...what a way to break the mold, make a living, live to be love, been to long, yet such is life, that which we seek, comes to us, it's what we do that matters &#160;
Happy birthday..Kimberly, 1st ex-wife, love of my life,&#160;
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, she sailed away, and never came back.</p>
<p>Yes, i love the first day of spring...the equinox,&#160; it's show time. What happened to the house of Stewart, go Queenie., go, LOL, &#160; royals on the run ...earthquakes, meteor missles, Pope's on a rope, float like a butterfly, sting like a bitch, go time, you need to take it to the streets Cyprus, free yourselfs from the paristes sucking your future away. Look to Iceland, bankrupt the bastards. Throw them in jail, their thieves .... America we are next, we must occupy Main St, jail Wall Street, occupy the Vatican, free DC, jail corrupt lawyers, jail Crooks, jail the banksters, jail criminals for Gods sake!!! jail crooks, not the sick, not the oppressed, not the producers, jail the jailers ...
Live the Golden Rule..
The final conflict
Treasure or Soul
You decide ....I already have

Hilarious ET watching fireworks over London, probably drinking French champagne, thinking they're invisible LOL


Had to watch this, again

Watch "I, Pet Goat II by Heliofant" on YouTube
This is dark, symbolic, to real...

He's up, looks puky, hope no one tries to drop a aircraft carrier on my head today

As my bus drives by, the sprinklers come on. Come on, this day will be, bitchen! Oh well, if I rocket now, fuk there go the sprinklers again.laptop no like, ahhh.
Must regroup, this day is going to be extremely challenging, hope yours is better, Blaze On MFzz ride till it Hurtz!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Bad Mother Cluckers, what the cluck?

All I can say is, mmmmm, good foods, cheap beers, industrial Jinga, outdoor patios, gameyard, and cheap beers. Oh, did I mention cheap beer, right, happyhour is definitely happy. Hurray for happy, I like happy, it's just the hours, oh well, I'd say that one has a serious problem if 50¢ beers over 4 hours cant get you happy ...I'm happy and its only been 3 hours. It's good to pace ones self, my, young crowd, go figure.
So as the sun sets, and the bird's settle in for the night, the animals start prowling the night. Sometimes I reflect how fortunate it is to be at the top of the food chain, and now I'm hungrey. Time for more eats, the burnt shit on a stick I had earlier was delishous, but a mere appetizer. Must explore the menu further. Mmmm mac & cheese, could be good.
Wow, moon's at 12 ocluck. Lots of energy flowing ...could get interesting. Yes big things are afoot. Big indeed. The fate of the world hinges on Cyprus, go figure!
Have a great night, and as always, I'll get the sun.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunny Patty's Day, to ya, green sky's?

Watch "4MIN News March 17, 2013: Magnetic Storm in Progress" on YouTube
Great news,  good intel, so WTF? Weather, or not, there's no getting away from the fact that the weather is ramping up.  Here in Paradise it's hard to grasp the extent of the global weather.  Believe it when I say we have much more to see and experience, are you experienced? Not for this,  it's about to get Biblical ...medieval! Are you prepared? Right!
You really cant be,  except where it really matters, in the heart. Time to get right with your God!

Madness on Mill Ave, trolls are out in force, thank god for the fairies, green tits and big beers, it's all good on the Avenue.