Wow, where to start, If you have followed any of my posts, googley+ and other sites, this is the Cybil side of me, my alter ego, my CHUCKY, it's a bitch to wrap my head around all that's flying around in here, so lets just grab something, right. First and foremost, the sun has not exploded, a good thing, second, the positive vibe is getting stronger, another good thing. So I have to ask myself, self, why do you fret over what you can not change, ah, there it is, what is the problem, what is the problem with the world, what is it that causes me so much anxiety. So much to confuse the mind and numb the spirit, yet the fundamental problem, as I see it, is our collective fall from grace, and by this I mean the lack of honesty, integrity, our adherence to the fundamental rule of this universe, the golden rule.
What happened to us America, we have lost our way, we worship all the wrong things, we speak in gibberish, We reward the wrong attributes, we follow meaningless platitudes, we seek unfulfilling prizes that only buffer us from the true fulfillment of our spirit and soul, what worth is wealth, when having attained it, we spend a life in fear, fear of losing.
Speaking as one who has lost everything in this life, there is so much more to existence than the possessions we accumulate, so much more, yes? To know love, to have children and grandchildren, to make some ones life brighter, these are worth so much more than gold. What is wrong with people who profess to be religious, and then commit acts of gross evil, just to gain a little more gold, or spiritual superiority over others, disgusting!
THE GOLDEN RULE, the most awesome formula in the universe, it is the blueprint to all of life, and while it is a mathematical equation that translates into the trees, the creatures, everything that is material in this vastness of space, it is also a moral imperative, like the Tao, the middle road, the light, enlightenment is righteousness, for its own sake, and for your sake, it's time to get jiggly with yourself, be honest to yourself, are you the best you can be, and not at killing others for someone else, are you true? True to your core beliefs? True to a universe that provides for all you could ever imagine. True to the truth? It can be a beautiful place, this universe can be what ever you can imagine it to be, the trick, if you want to call it that, is to "BE HERE NOW'" That the golden rule, it is the perfect template for anything.
So while we are living in tumultuous times, sing a happy song in your mind, and you'll surprised how well you can cope with just about........this is where I go inside my quiet space, I could chill here for a long long time, be chill, be here now.
My year in review; 2012-2013
what a year it has been. Much learning, massive amounts of information...some good, some great...some I'll have a hard time forgetting. Yet as a whole, a most auspicious year, a year of tremendous growth, spiritually as well as intellectually, AWESOME, I LOVE THIS PLACE!!
So in review, we've learned about the International Banking Scam, the manipulation of Gold and other physical commodities, the wholesale rape and theft of the worlds health, wealth, and future, we have found the names of the corrupt ones, the crooked corporations, the location of the money, very cool. Knowledge is power. Now what do we do about it? We fix it! Time for the courts to earn their salary's...time for truth and justice...for the world. It's all about CRIMES, war crimes, it's all about the money, every time someone dies, SOME CORPORATION PROFITS, some individuals profit, some country profits, this is the heart of evil, this is the bottom line, this must stop....NOW!!
and your future...
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