
Thursday, September 5, 2013

American Spartacus...A Line in the Blood!


Tokyo Will Host The 2020 Summer Olympics
it's official!

Japan...needing a new dream
70% of Tokers support Olympic bid
after ALL Tokyo has suffered, they can still dream,
Sometimes I'm proud to be Japanese, and then there's... may not be an Olympic event, yet.
want to kick start the world economy?
Tourism babe,
the biggest business in the Universe
let's hope someone can still dream I see's it... 
Security is killing the world
fear is most profitable...
yet who profits most
by creating fear, they get away with,
time to stop the madness,
 the sucking sound must stop!
come Indigo Ones, your now
Let's reboot government...
without the Corpes!
this is no way to live... 
and so many ways to die...where are the MEN?
where are YOU?
are you a
apply as needed...

TruthstreamMedia  September 4 2013


Can you love your country without loving your government?

The Star Spangled Banner, America’s national anthem, refers to our country as, “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. Both claims were called into question a long time ago.

The anniversary of September 11 will soon be upon us again, and as a nation, we find ourselves embroiled in continuous turmoil, ramping up the elusive War on Terror that sprang from the events that shook the country that day back in 2001. In the years since, Americans have stood by and witnessed a continual erosion of their freedoms — from the Patriot Act’s attack on our Fourth Amendment, to the militarization of our police in an ever expanding police state, to the nationwide expansion of so-called ‘free-speech zones’ under George W. Bush,

to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which can disappear and indefinitely detain American citizens suspected of terrorism without charge or public trial, to the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) massive expansion that includes unseen no-fly lists and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) irradiating and molesting people and their children at airports, to the revelations that the National Security Administration (NSA) is collecting data on every single American citizen — and all in the supposed name of our safety.

Our government has gone so far as to deem 100 miles inland from any U.S. border to be a Constitution-free zone, with dozens of internal DHS checkpoints dotting the scenery.

 Papers, please?
Founding father Benjamin Franklin warned us about trading our freedom for the pretense of security. We did not listen.

As September 11th approaches once again a dozen years later, where do we as Americans find ourselves now?


We’re on the brink of potential World War III, with a Nobel Peace Prize winning president waiting until the week of September 9th to have Congress debate whether or not we should preemptively attack another sovereign nation in the Middle East on what can only be considered dubious evidence at best (and nonexistent evidence at worst). Even three-time presidential advisor Pat Buchanan has gone on record to say it looks like the Assad regime’s suspected chemical weapons attack, what Obama referred to as his ‘red line’ on Syrian intervention, reeks of a false flag operation.

According to a recent Drudge Report poll, a whopping 91.5% of 685,280 people at the time of writing this article say NO to giving Obama the authority to conduct military operations (read: dropping bombs) in Syria — not that this has mattered with regard to any of the other military operations Obama already conducts in the Middle East, including the expansion of drone strikes throughout the region well beyond those of his predecessor Bush Jr. or the boots he put on the ground in Libya in 2011.  Evidence to the contrary aside, Obama has already made it clear that he plans to strike Syria.

The whole situation reeks of the WMD lie (or the 935 lies) that got us into the Iraq war after 9/11 and everybody knows it. In this week’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey couldn’t even give Senator Bob Corker (R—Tenn.) a valid answer when asked what the U.S. is seeking in Syria; he simply responded, “I can’t answer that, what we’re seeking.”

Where is the logic in “Syria bombed Syria so we must also bomb Syria?

Obviously this logically bankrupt plan has nothing to do with the safety of Syrians; on August 31, the president would not have said, “Our military has positioned assets in the region. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs has informed me that we are prepared to strike whenever we choose. Moreover, the chairman has indicated to me that our capacity to execute this mission is not time-sensitive; it will be effective tomorrow, or next week, or one month from now. And I’m prepared to give that order.”

If this were about protecting Syrians from more chemical weapons attacks, Obama would have declared an emergency session with Congress to discuss taking action right away instead of waiting another nine days that could give ample time for more weapons attacks to be carried out. Obviously this new proxy ploy for military action is about empire building and resource grabbing, and amounts to the same strategy that was used in Libya (which now lies in chaos and ruin), Egypt (which continues to erupt in violent chaos), Afghanistan (mired in continual chaos as we continue our drone strike campaign there) and Iraq (falling into total chaos) just to name a few. So much for our brand of democracy. The Drudge Report poll reflects that fact that the vast majority of Americans are wise to this game and are opposed to it.

In the meantime, Team America World Police continues to meddle in Syrian affairs on other fronts to effect the regime change it is so desperate for; writing from Syria, Franklin Lamb discusses how U.S.-led economic sanctions are skyrocketing the price of basic food staples in an effort to turn Syrians against Assad:
“Meanwhile, the ever-rising cost of living for Syria’s population, due in large measure to the US-led economic sanctions, continues to devastate many families here. Those sanctions are designed by the US Treasury Department’s Office of Financial Assets Control (OFAC), and they intentionally target Syria’s civilian population in an effort to get the population to break with its government, thereby facilitating the US goal of regime change in Syria and Iran…
Before the onset of the conflict now raging in Syria, the price of eggs was 125 lira (about 25 cents) for 24 in a carton. Prior to the most recent crisis, the price was 500 lira (one us dollar) for two dozen eggs, and this morning in Damascus it is 700 lira.
How much more proof do we need that our government isn’t out for peace here?

This writer sincerely hopes the people of Syria realize that what our government is doing to them does not represent the people of America.

Home of the Enslaved

If Orwellian free speech zones, a $2 billion NSA spy hub in the desert, and bombing countries because they bomb themselves are not bad enough, now the U.S. government is about to arm the TSA. These wannabe agents only get two weeks of training as it is; now they are going to be given weapons? Really?? Are they going to get an extra week of training with them?
Americans already live under a screaming cacophony of alphabet agencies that are armed to the teeth and ready to eat out our substance. As of this time last year, there were 73; even the U.S. Department of Education is armed.

Slowly Americans have grown accustomed to watching their three-year-olds and grandmothers get their private parts fondled at airports and other transportation hubs all across this nation just we can have the luxury of travel. We are all guilty until proven innocent when we fly. Don’t like it? Well, you can join the so-called “Trusted Traveler” program for the cost of feeding a little of yourbiometric data into a government database (“Papers please” doesn’t even begin to cover it). The TSA has moved well beyond airports to train stations, buses and major sporting events. TSA VIPR teams are free to roam the nation’s roadways. Perhaps it was even fitting that TSA felt people up and inspected their bags just so they could attend President Obama’s 2nd inauguration.

Don’t forget, the TSA has yet to catch an actual terrorist. Kinda makes it seem like there really aren’t that many terrorists at our airports if twelve years go by without a single one being caught there.
Obviously all of this security theater has done little to actually keep us safe in reality, as witnessed at April’s Boston Marathon bombing where Homeland Security just so happened to beat the finish line running a drill at the time of the attack and yet they still were not able to stop it or keep anyone safe from it.

Is it unreasonable or simply a rhetorical joke to ask whether or not this TSA expansion will ever end? Where will they show up next, shopping malls? Grocery stores? Our front porches?
The argument that if you are not doing anything wrong, then it’s okay to have your privacy brazenly violated over and over again will only hold water until this breach of privacy invades your personal comfort zone… everyone has a limit.

Will It Ever End?

The War on Terror is nebulous at best. Ultimately, it is not ever meant to end. The goal is to keep us in a permanent war economy, something military leaders and industrialists have been openly advocating since World War II. As author Brian Easlea noted, “The survival of capitalism in the United States demanded increased arms expenditure and that in turn necessitated the manufacture of a major enemy”. Guess the cold war was no longer doing it for them.

Case in point; in the hours following the announcement that Obama was considering military action in Syria last week, stocks at leading military defense contractors like Lockheed Martin shot through the roof. Raytheon stock hit an all-time high. The military industrial complex writing is all over the profitable Syrian wall.

While many believe we are on the brink of another world war, too many Americans appear complicit to sit on their couches and tune out in front of their television sets, favoring helplessness and apathy to speaking up for themselves and what’s right; while TV ‘programming’ technology advances before their eyes, the real world outside the box has gotten infinitely worse. At a recent protest against Syria intervention in Austin, Texas — a city that is home to a population of well over a million people, metro area included — only a handful of people bothered to show up. Where was everybody? Another football game? The mall?

It is time to realize the War on Terror is here to stay. Everyone has lost something to it; this military industrial complex machine and its corporatist lies have robbed the whole world and will continue to rape, pillage and plunder. There are no winners here, not even the profiteers who fill their pockets with blood-drenched Federal Reserve notes. No, there are no winners; only vast degrees of perpetual losing.

Another 9/11 anniversary will pass over a world that has lost enough to endless war.

“I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”— James Madison


freedom of movement...what a joke

welcome to your new, to be "free"
the winner always writes the history books

Karma sucks too...
if your not careful...not wise
the fate you control is not just you own
we are all mother earth
 we are all connected
the POWER of the PEOPLE


Jim Willie ~ Syria, Pipeline Politics, OPEC & The USDollar

SilverDoctors  September 4 2013 (Thanks, A.L.)

It took some time to realize it, but the Cyprus bank incident was a misdirected attack against Gazprom. It failed. The entire Arab Spring movement, an ambitious disruptive project waged with foolhardy ambitions, has turned on itself. Egypt fell, its US puppet discharged. The entire North African region will be in flames soon. The USGovt interfered with a grand industrialization project for European industry, to be placed on North Africa intended to take advantage of cheaper labor, available minerals, nearby resources, and easy shipping. The resentment of Europe will show up in the future. The Middle East and Persian Gulf region is shifting its salute to Russia & China, as the noisy sectarian battles have been a common fixture since long ago. Bahrain has erupted. Saudi is clamping down and converting into an Islamic police state to create the Iran-Saudi repressive bobsey twins. Chaos is the longstanding objective of the USGovt in foreign policy infection, no change in decades.

Syria is about a lot of things, most of which are volatile, many unsolvable. To be sure, the naval port of Tartus is valuable for the Russian Military, always eager to wrest a seaport. Like Lebanon, Syria is a hotbed stronghold for HezBollah, never to be taken lightly. They are mortal enemies to Israel, whose nations have exchanged covert violence for years. Syria might have tight relations with the Shiites of Iran, even some in Iraq. However, Syria represents the crossroads of many important shifting geopolitical roadways that pertain to the global financial structure and commercial systems. Syria is the tipping point for a Grand Global Paradigm Shift. It is the last stand for the Anglo Banker world. Syria will not go easily into the Russian camp, into the Gazprom fold, into the European energy market sphere. For if it does, the entire USDollar system of commerce and the USTreasury Bond system of reserves management will fall by the wayside and open a new era with Eastern dominance. But the Western powers cannot stop it. Clouds of whatever type do not halt pipeline flow, nor pipeline geopolitics.

What Syria Means

Syria stands at the door to the emergence of the Eastern Alliance, the new dominant energy pipelines, a new payment system detached from the USDollar and Anglo banks. Syria stands at the door which controls some incremental European energy supply. Syria stands at the door to Gold Trade Settlement, with a transition step that brings more importance to commodity backed currencies and proper valid systems for trade. Syria means the pipelines strangle the USDollar. Syria means the end of the US system of IOU coupons that pollute the global banking system. Syria means the status quo is coming to an abrupt end. Syria represents a clash of East versus West, which has more commercial and bank significance than anything reported by the lapdog press. Notice the direct line from Iran through Iraq to Syria. The natgas of Iran reaches the Mediterranean Sea through Syria.

Rise Of Pipeline Politics

Syria is the end port for what the Jackass calls the Shiite Gas Pipeline. It begins in Iran and ends at the Mediterranean seaport in Syria. It was designed to terminate at a Shiite friendly nation. Thus my informal name. Ironically, Qatar is fighting against the Syrian Assad loyalists, but the Qatari natural gas will be directed into the same pipeline. In the last year, a giant Persian Gulf gas discovery was made in a joint Iran-Qatar project. Syria is about the last gasp for the Petro-Dollar. It represents a climax in Energy Pipeline Politics. Quietly for the last 15 to 20 years, Russia has been building crude oil pipelines and natural gas pipelines from the Mother Russian lands to points in Europe and China and the Former Soviet Republics. They have been constructing modern LNG gas port facilities. They have been forging contracts to supply energy to countless nations. The US-led plans have been more interference than constructive. They have consistently attempted to obstruct, rather than to build with some justification of common benefit.

The US news networks cannot tell why or how Syria is important relative to the USDollar. Most Americans cannot define money, let alone conceive of a Petro-Dollar defacto standard. They do not comprehend the global banking system having practices as an extension of Saudi crude oil sales in USDollars. They remember nothing of the Kissinger Arab Oil Surplus Recycle Pact into USTreasury Bonds and US big bank stocks. The focus should be on Pipelines and the closely related geopolitics. The focus should be on the eclipse of OPEC. The focus should be on the loss of Western Europe to the Russian fold, where natural gas supply will alter decisions. Notice the UK Parliament did not offer military support for the USGovt in Syria. They might have received a phone call from either Putin at the Kremlin or the CEO of Gazprom. Coming to a world near you is the NatGas Coop led by Gazprom. A regular feature  in geopolitical decisions will be the integration of natgas supply to Europe and Great Britain.

Eclipse Of OPEC

Clearly heading out is OPEC and its influence. The dirty secret for ten years has been the depletion and decline in Saudi oil reserves. The water cut has surpassed 80% on a regular basis at Saudi oilfields. It is the percentage of water in produced “oil” wells. The interior pressures are dissipated. The Saudis are suffering from lost oil surplus, rising government debt, higher domestic energy costs, higher food costs, internal strife, fascist islamic rule, rising political prisoner population, and geriatrics at the throne. It sure would be good to know how King Abdullah returned from a coma after a few months, where his organs were declared defunct. Maybe like Saddam Hussein, he has some handy doubles. The OPEC nations in the last several years have become a loud disorganized gaggle of devious dealers who discount prices and lie on output on a regular basis. The cartel has no unity anymore. Their honorable Saudi core is disintegrating. The Saudi OPEC core is precisely the foundation to the Petro-Dollar and the justification for global banking systems being based in USTreasury Bonds. Coming online is the NatGas Coop. Coming online is gold trade settlement. Coming online is the BRICS Bank. Coming into prominent view is Gazprom, the leader of the NatGas Coop. It has some powerful strange bedfellows who deal in one currency, natural gas.

Cyprus Indirect Attack

The news networks told of Cyprus being the site of bank crisis, account confiscations, the bail-in procedures creating a Western model, and resolutions. It took a while to realize, but the Jackass back in the March Hat Trick Letter noted the Gazprom angle and potential motive. The Jackass mapped out a Prima Facie case for motive on the Cyprus bank attack. It was a challenge to Gazprom and the Russian banking system, more than a Bail-in Model. It was an attempt to cut off the Russian encroachment into Europe with their Gazprom weapon, the most disruptive economic weapon seen in decades.

Cyprus used to serve as the primary window for the entire Russian banking system, and the central bank too. All bank transactions from Russia went through Cyprus. The conclusion could be that the Bail-in procedure is a suicide pact for the West. It is a declaration that if accounting rules are to be enforced, and capital requirements enforced, then the big Western banks would slit their throats and force the vanish of private bank accounts. Ditto if the legal prosecution of big bank were to begin in earnest. They cannot pull that switch unless major banks are all dead gone, from grotesque contagion. Since Lehman failed, all the big Western banks are lashed together, much like sailors at sea on deck during a nasty storm. If one goes, all go. The banker elite needed to disguise their attack of Gazprom in Cyprus. They wanted to interrupt the progress made by Russia in Pipeline Politics. The public bought the false story, again, like they always do. They do not think beyond the first visible layer.

Failed US Government Policy

The USGovt lost on disruptions to Iran internet and undersea communication lines between 2004 and 2007. To be sure, the planned Iranian island center for trade processing never occurred, a success of sorts. The USGovt lost on Iranian sanctions. The rise of Turkey, India, and Chinese deals with unique payment systems have come to the table. Even the Japanese and South Koreans refused to play along. The entire workaround process served as a training ground for gold trade settlement. It will have a certain blossom, with the full weight of the BRICS nations behind the current initiatives. The US lost on Iran-Pakistan Pipeline, since China stepped forward, guaranteed funding for its completion, and even worked to extend the connected pipelines to the Western border of China for supply. The USGovt lost with its puppet named Mohammed Morsi, who was ousted in Egypt. The unspoken cause was food price inflation, not political discord as reported by the US news network minions. The USGovt won the Qaddafi’s gold (144 tons) but with a grand backfire on the Libyan Embassy controversy. The Pentagon does not appreciate the sacrifice of Navy SEALS to deceit and hidden motives. The biggest failure by the USGovt could be the monetary policy at work by the US Federal Reserve. The QE bond purchase program has produced massive broad price inflation globally, in addition to rising energy costs, rising material costs, and rising related follow-on costs. It is difficult to find any USGovt or USFed policy of value, other than to serve the bank syndicate.


The key to the future is seen on the margin of new power. It is the Natural Gas Coop. To date, it has no name. Curiously, its power might lie in the fact that it has no name, no central nexus. It is a de-centralized cooperative. But more accurately, it has a Russian core, a brain trust at Gazprom. It has a certain Kremlin command center, since a newfound strategic weapon. It is their greatest global weapon in decades. The strange bedfellows consist of Russia (home HQ of Gazprom), Turkmenistan (#2 natgas global producer), Iran (giant renegade producer), Qatar (biggest LNG star), and Israel (from Tamar Platform). The presence of Sunni Qatar from the Persian Gulf and US Fascist Ally Israel make for the odd mix. In June, the Israel Govt signed a deal with Russian Gazprom. It called for directing all surplus natgas output from Tamar to the Gazprom pipeline system, and the European market. The Israeli Economy will greatly benefit from the surplus revenue.

Game over for OPEC and a guaranteed demise of the Petro-Dollar. Simply stated, Saudi Arabia is to OPEC, what Russia is to NatGas Coop. The phase out of OPEC is in progress, without much recognition. The emergence of the NatGas Coop is to be better understood in the near future. A tremendously important shift is taking place in energy geopolitics. The consequences will be rapid diversification out of the USTreasury Bond, colossal Indirect Exchange in asset deals, and broad abandonment (aka dumping). In the process, almost no buyers of USGovt debt will be visible, and the USFed will be leaned upon more fully for bond purchases. The Weimar machinery will strain to the limit. The USGovt debt default will occur, as the event has become more visible, a 2008 Hat Trick Letter forecast.

Demise Of Petro-Dollar

Not 5% of Americans comprehend the defacto Petro-Dollar standard. They will when the Saudis must step aside and permit OPEC to be eclipsed by the NatGas Coop with its expansive global network of pipelines. The great USDollar devaluation will occur when the Petro-Dollar falls by the wayside. The result will be profound price inflation in the USEconomy. The fall of the Saudi regime is guaranteed eventually, and likely soon. The Saudis cannot play both sides (US & Russia) successfully. They will fail with both partners. The NatGas Pipelines are critical, as they wield enormous economic leverage and power. Together, the NatGas Coop phases out OPEC and assures the end of the USDollar as it is currently known and structured. Watch the Saudis soon indicate that non-USDollar payments are accepted for crude oil sales, like accepting GBPounds, Euros, Japanese Yen, even Swiss Francs. Watch the Saudis closely for various signals of impending doom, death signals. As energy sales move gradually, then rapidly, away from the USD settlement, the world will go through a transformation. The banking system will change in their foundations, one nation at a time, with diversification away from USTBonds. It is Game Over!!

Syria is the last line of defense for the USDollar and the exalted position of OPEC. Syria is the potential recognized debut of the NatGas Coop in significance. It is all hidden, except to the Hat Trick Letter. In the new era emerging, Gold will prevail as the Gold Trade Standard is put in place. It will not be done with a stake in the ground from the banking system of the FOREX currency trading arenas. Therefore it is so dangerous to the status quo. My full expectation is that the USGovt will back off in Syria. The retreat will not be seen as a magnanimous gesture, but rather more like a bully backing down. Revelations will be very damaging on chemical weapons and the roles played. Roots to Saddam Hussein will be reviewed. Iran already has tens of thousands killed by chemical weapons over 20 years ago in a war waged with Iraq, with a hand from the Bushes. The United States leadership is in for some cold water in the face. The United States is due for some extreme isolation. The NatGas Coop will change the global map. It will open the door to the Eurasian Trade Zone for commerce, and open the door to the Gold Trade Settlement for finance. Some quantum leaps are in store and soon. Gold will emerge with a new Gold Trade Standard, whose price will shock most observers. Think multiples higher. Syria is a seminal event for gold.

 Jim Willie 2013
Wouldn't it be crazy if Russia arrested Obama on war crime, while he's in Russia? That would be so...
and these will be the "good times"
is it that hard to be "Human?"
who's your mama?

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