
Monday, November 25, 2013

Almost can sometimes be enough...almost

Almost wet

Sometimes, when we step back, look around, it's amazing, I'm in Hawaii, never felt better, the power of love, amazing what believing can do, the dance continues, the tradewinds call, come, away, come away...og aloha

Friday, November 22, 2013

Holy Pope on a rope, HAWAii must be the center of the multiverse....

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
we....create the beauty, we perceive,
looking into the mist,
it could be that, or that or....
This is my choice....paradise...OG style

love these "Rabbit holes"....
have you seen...
Watch your step!
work in progress.....

Sunday, November 17, 2013

count down to paradise, I could wee me pantiloons....

got a cheap flight, no frills, but the pilot....(makes me nervous)
Back to Nature
Better....I like pinecones.....
Damn...I like pineapples too!
think good thoughts, radiate positive...
live it, love it, be it....Aloha
going home...

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A time to chill, a time for sharing

Do you feel it, all the stressful energy, the Buzz, the changes washing thru the world like a cosmic's good, enjoy the moment....and let's hope these guys (those Japanese, they look like monkeys) make it....we may all be in hot water soon, the nuclear nightmare has just begun, America, you let the monster out of the bottle, you started the mess, now it's coming to you, what begins as a evil act, (killing everything in range) rarely ends well...Hiroshima,Nagasaki, Fukashima....who's next for Nuclear roulette? HOW did we end up with so many nuclear reactors worldwide, ( GE) Humm, and who's responsible....who's going to clean up this MESS?  Right, nobody knows, no answers, no plan....a nightmare. Think about's time to dismantle this madness, time to think about others, Those responsible,need to pay the cost, simple, the Rothschild family is that party, let them dip into their 100 Trillion dollar piggy bank, but how do you repay for all the suffering and death that they have brought upon all of mankind? There MUST be a special hell for these gilded ASSHOLES....I PRAY FOR JUSTICE, I STAND FOR TRUTH, I FIGHT FOR RIGHT....I WILL NEVER BE...other than what I am..(I fight Gundi style, mental kung fu) a lover, of life, of happiness, the universe must maintain....the balance, so smile a smile, song a song, dance a dance, and let's change the world, one heart at a time, awesome,
Peace in our lifetime....

Monday, November 4, 2013

Welcome back, the "garden" has missed you

Sunday, November 3, 2013

In a nut shell....the truth will set you free Sorry to post such negative crap...and that is what it is, this power trip or "agenda" that certain "families" seem to be on, this is being dealt with, but to assure proper positive change, one must see the true reality, then the transformation can be real and truly beautiful, worthy of our love....peace