Thursday, May 30, 2013
Illinois illegally Seizes Bees Resistant To MonsantoĆ¢€™s Roundup; Kills Remaining Queens
Illinois illegally Seizes Bees Resistant To Monsanto’s Roundup; Kills Remaining Queens
These corporate bought USDA inspector's, violated the personal property and lifes work, it's a natural Holocaust, the "war on nature", with double dipping federal agent's destroying evidence of a corporation gone rouge, WTF, how any must die from the genetic and chemical monstrosity's that Monsanto has and continues to "manufacture".
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Carolanne Wright ~ Monsanto Hires Infamous Mercenary Firm Blackwater To Track Activists Around The World
Private corporate armys...this should scare the GMO out of you!!
Mike Adams ~ Hungary Torches 500 Hectares Of GM Corn To Eradicate GMOs From Food Supply
Mike Adams ~ Hungary Torches 500 Hectares Of GM Corn To Eradicate GMOs From Food Supply
For the love of was those damn Monkeys!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Jonathan Turley ~ Obama Orders Holder To Investigate . . . Holder?
This president is unbelievable, he's front and center when it came time to kill...Osoma Bin, remeber, but to protect one American on the job? We saw how Oboma made it to the situation room, there watching, laughing, contenplationg executing a enemy of the state, without due process, but most definatly with procedure, he ordered Americas best to kill a unarmed civilian in his home, in a foreign country, in front of his family...nice, way to win hearts and minds...asshole, sorry Mister Asshole Presidentia...actions speak volumes.Yet this same president was MIA while one of Americas top employees, a US Embassidor, and his security team, were left to their own fates ans deaths due to lack of action by the president, Really, where was the president for the 18 hours of Bengaszi? Why was he unavailable? It is his freaken job...! What is he hiding?? why are they all corrupte? What happened to America?
What ya do'n? have you heard?
The rider, which almost managed to slip incognito and pass by the alarm system of the alternative media, grants GMO juggernaut Monsanto full immunity from federal courts in the event that one of its genetically modified creations is found to be causing damage to health or the environment. Essentially, it grants Monsanto power over the United States federal government. Thankfully, I was able to get on the subject through news tips and covered the Monsanto Protection Act all the way up until the bill containing it was signed into law by Obama
"many of the richest Americans are in a panic to take their fraudulently earned fiat dollars and turn them into hard assets as quickly as possible. That is why there is frantic buying of gold, art, real estate and anything else that actually exists in reality and not just in a bank computer.
What we are about to witness is the unraveling of a giant apparatus of lies, bribery, murder and illusion that has fooled us into wars and out of our money for centuries. The repercussions will be historical. Imagine the fall of the Soviet Union on steroids."
Historic or hysteric, these are the times most worth living...simply biblical, it does get the juices moving.
A moment for the survivors in Oklahoma...biblical, and horrific beyond contemplation, imagine a giant food processor moving across your hometown, 2 miles wide, 200 miles a hour, pure prairie puree, shit, glad I left that self righteous hell of a bible belt, years ago. But I always felt that Jesus has a special place in his heart for the religious right, so mighty in their pride, a sad day indeed. and I would dare to say that more is on the way, this is just starting to get real.
But I tell myself, self, what is wrong? the sky's are sunny, the air...kinda clear, the promise of a beautiful day? state of emotion and general outlook...bright and perky, like the breasts on a young woman.....beautiful!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Battle lines in the Bank....?
Benjamin Fulford
In order to break this deadlock and free human potential, a secret campaign has now been started to identify and deal with the precise obstacles to freeing humanity from financial slavery. This will mean more and more prominent people will be suddenly vanishing from public view, according to members of several different secret societies.
For example, have either George Soros or Nat Rothschild been seen in public recently? Also, Japanese right wing politician Shintaro Ishihara has dropped out of view again despite the appearance of a reported double on TV following his long “hospital stay.” We do not condone “disappearing” people and hope they all make a public appearance soon so that we can confirm they are alive and safe.
Nonetheless, some very dangerous people are justifiably angry at various mass murder campaigns carried out at the behest of the Sabbatean mafia, are very impatient with the ongoing deadlock and are not easily held back.
To try to prevent a bloodbath among the elite, action is being taken to ensure a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction begins sooner rather than later. That is why there will be a push to break the freeze on lawsuits aimed [at] restoring the rights to the world’s historical treasure to the legal owners. This is a tricky process because it involves undoing 100 years of secret Sabbatean Mafia global financial control via privately owned central banks. For that reason, the US agencies, the Chinese government, Asian Secret Societies, the Gnostic Illuminati, the Vatican and the Swiss, among others, are being consulted about the best way to go forward.
The best research indicates that rights to 85% of the world’s historical treasure belong to Asian royal families, notably Chinese dynastic families like the Qing, Ming, Lee and Sung.
Neil Keenan, who claims to have the backing of the Pentagon and US agencies, says there is a (sic) “Xing” Empress who is fully in charge of, and managing the rights to, 85% of the world’s money. However, Chinese government and Asian Secret Society sources have not been able to confirm this. Nor does it appear to be the reality on the ground. We await further confirmation on this issue from Asian sources but since this requires non-digital communications, it will take time.
Also, our own research indicates the “Dragon family” appears to be the Merovingian, i.e. European, royal families. The head of a major royal Asian secret society claims not to have heard of a “Dragon family.”
In any case, historical rights to treasure is one thing, current geopolitical reality is another. Even if the Asians have historical rights to 85% of the world’s treasure, Western governments are not about to stand by and let them translate that into control of 85% of the world.
Nonetheless, the situation at present is that the people de facto in charge of the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central bank got control by defrauding Asian royals of their gold and need to be removed. However, this needs to be done in a way that does not lead to the dysfunction of the financial system subsequent collapse of Western civilization.
The best way to go about this is to systematically audit the books of all financial organizations and remove fraudulently created money, especially derivatives created via astronomical leverage and complex computer algorithms. Traditional futures markets should be restricted to the maximum 10 times leverage that historical experience shows is the limit needed for long term market integrity. It is time to go back to plain vanilla.
It is also necessary for Western governments to recognize that most of them have been borrowing from the rest of the world, especially Asia, at an unsustainable rate for the past 30 years or longer. They need to negotiate a restructuring of their overseas debt.
There also needs to be a major realignment of currencies. The Euro needs to shed Southern Europe and become a Northern European Mark. The Southern Europeans need their own competitive currency. That is the cultural and economic reality. It will mean cheap Greek holidays for Germans and expensive Mercedes limousines for rich Greeks until the natural balance is restored.
Also, and I cannot repeat this too often, the U.S. dollar is not and never was American and the United States government needs to start issuing its own greenbacks. The only other choice, and this is the one made by Sabbatean Mafiosi who run the US government, is to wait until 90% of Americans’ incomes fall to Chinese levels.
The bottom line for Europeans and Americans is that no matter how hard they try to avoid it, reality has a way of catching up.
On the bright side, once an agreement is reached on new financial architecture, humanity has the potential to experience a spurt of growth and progress on par with the birth of agriculture and the start of the industrial revolution.
Finance is the process of deciding what we as a species do in the future. That has been stolen from us by a family mafia of religious cultists obsessed with turning ancient prophecies into reality. Once these people are removed from control of the creation of dollars and Euros humanity will be able to decide its own future.
Traditional political and religious organizations can play a major role in this process once the financial rot (bribed politicians etc.) is cut out. The Vatican, the British Commonwealth, the restored Republic of the United States and other such venerable power centers have the institutional ability to carry out vast projects.
We also need to build entirely new institutions from the ground up to work in harmony with existing ones. The White Dragon Society has proposed that these new institutions be run on the basic principles of equality and finding win-win solutions.
Asian financial leaders have already agreed to generously finance non-military Western ventures once the financial stand-off ends. There is plenty to do. China, for example, needs Western expertize to clean up its increasingly toxic environment. Turning the deserts green and replenishing the oceans are other big projects waiting to start.
Western technology and science also now stand at the brink of accomplishments that will outstrip our imaginations. Immortality, super-powers, exploration of other dimensions, the creation and colonization of new digital realities and much more are now within our reach. What are we waiting for?
again, great intel from across the sea, my thanks to Shift Frequency, this is great news, so I had to repost and spread the news, there is a permanent link to this site on the right column of my blog.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
follow the money....Prescott Bush, America's first super Nazi, Son George Walker, America's first super Nazi Spook who became Pesident...and then there was George, America's....WTF, are we that stupid....
Great story "the complete Bush Crime Family";postID=154740979434925494;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=link
the last Men standing...
excerpts from Chris Hedges article posted 5-10-13 on Shift Frequency;postID=154740979434925494;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=link
the war on truth...
Julian Assange, appears outside the red-brick building on Hans Crescent Street that houses the Ecuadorean Embassy. Assange, the world’s best-known political refugee, has been in the embassy since he was offered sanctuary there last June. British police in black Kevlar vests are perched night and day on the steps leading up to the building,
and others wait in the lobby directly in front of the embassy door...
The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), or Scotland Yard, said the estimated cost of surrounding the Ecuadorean Embassy from June 19, 2012, when Assange entered the building, until Jan. 31, 2013, is the equivalent of $4.5 million
Assange spoke repeatedly about Manning, with evident concern. He sees in the young Army private a reflection of his own situation, as well as the draconian consequences of refusing to cooperate with the security and surveillance state
Manning’s 12-week military trial is scheduled to begin in June. The prosecution is calling 141 witnesses, including an anonymous Navy SEAL who was part of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Assange called the Navy SEAL the "star diva" of the state’s "12-week Broadway musical." Manning is as bereft of establishment support as Assange
The world has been turned upside down. The pestilence of corporate totalitarianism is spreading rapidly over the earth. The criminals have seized power.
It is not, in the end, simply Assange or Manning they want. It is all who dare to defy the official narrative, to expose the big lie of the global corporate state. The persecution of Assange and Manning is the harbinger of what is to come, the rise of a bitter world
where criminals in Brooks Brothers suits and gangsters in beribboned military uniforms
propped up by a vast internal and external security apparatus,
a compliant press and a morally bankrupt political elite—monitor and crush those who dissent. Writers, artists, actors, journalists, scientists, intellectuals and workers will be forced to obey or thrown into bondage.
for some it's to late...
I fear for Julian Assange.
I fear for Bradley Manning.
I fear for us all.
think positive, free the world...
free the last MEN standing
we are all prisoners of our own minds....
Monday, May 6, 2013
Ben Fulford tells it like it is?? Do all roads lead to China?
May 6, 2013
One of the world’s leading terrorists, the Satan worshipping mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has been summoned to China where he will be confronted with evidence of his involvement in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan, according to Chinese government sources. The evidence is a tape recorded phone call to then Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan in which Netanyahu threatened to destroy all of Japan’s nuclear reactors if Kan did not order the Japanese government to write off its holdings of US government debt, according to Japanese military intelligence. In exchange for sweeping this issue under the carpet, the 180 nation BRICS alliance will demand an end to all further war-mongering in the Middle East. The Israeli use of a nuclear bunker buster bomb against Syria just before Netanyahu’s departure was a futile gesture of defiance as the worldwide crackdown on the Sabbatean Satanic mafia unfolds.
In a related development, the UK Police and Crime Commission have opened an investigation into the Thames Valley police, Sara Thornton in particular, concerning, among other things, the murder of bio-weapons specialist Dr. David Kelly. This is part of a wider police investigation into the cabal that fooled the UK government into participating in the invasion of Iraq. The heads of MI5, the London Metropolitan Police counter terror squad and of UK Special Forces have all left their posts, according to an MI5 source. Several journalists have also been arrested, he said. Many witnesses of substance (military) are coming forward in support having realized
the UK police have been acting outside correct procedures in many instances, according to an MI5 source. “The emphasis will now be on internal investigations of corruption in the Police and Civil service,” the source said. The Cabinet Secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood, Head of the Civil Service, will also find his position under close scrutiny. Then Prime Minister Tony Blair has already been investigated and has basically sung like a canary. Blair has already implicated many EU leaders as having accepted bribes in exchange for allowing the Soviet Union modeled EU to gradually usurp the sovereignty of European nation states.
This of course, is a preliminary to investigations that will finally bring justice to the perpetrators of the 911 terror and mind-control attack against the US. The wheels of justice will roll towards George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Frank Carlucci, Michael Chertoff and the entire fascist cabal that seized control of the US following the rigged year 2000 election, according to patriotic CIA and Pentagon sources.
The question remains just how far down the rabbit hole the whole crackdown on the perpetrators of 911, 311 and related events will go. The problem is concentrated at the top and it is very difficult for military and law enforcement types used to following orders from above to take action against their “superiors.”wow, Ben never fails to entertain and enlighten, while powerful forces dance the game of thrones, the waking dead seek out their American Idol, good times, yes good times all around, now where is that pesky tornado....?
When you have a supreme court that has been threatened and intimidated into submission, a Congress and Senate that have been mostly bribed and a President who is a puppet, then going through them is not a realistic option in dealing with the criminal fascist takeover of the US.
My understanding is that the joint chiefs of staff of the Pentagon are the best hope for restoring the US Republic and freeing the American people. What they need to understand is that it is not going to be any court case that will settle the problem.
If the American people are to be freed, the military need to temporarily take over the key centers of power. They need to send troops to occupy the following places: the Federal Reserve Board branches, the Congress, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the major media companies and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Once this is done, it will be a fairly simple job to figure out who has been part of the fascist cabal: follow the money. Anybody who is living way beyond their salary and cannot explain the source of money should be suspended pending further investigation.
There is also a need to remove all US/Israeli dual citizens from any government offices. Dual loyalty and service to your government are not compatible.
The Pentagon types rightly point out the lesson of history that the military are not good at running governments as the reason they have not taken action yet. That is true but, the military are very good at restoring order and then returning to their barracks.
The military take pride in the fact they have never interfered in government since the founding of the United States. However, they need to realize that never before in the history of the United States has the country been surreptitiously taken over by a foreign power.
This of course brings us back to Israel. Israel was founded by Jews who murdered other Jews in order to force them out of their European homeland as part of a criminally insane project to carry out ancient biblical prophecies. It sounds too far-fetched for us normal people to fathom, but history makes it clear this is exactly what has been going on. That is why there has been no solution to the Palestinian issue despite over 5 decades of “peace negotiations.” Peace would prevent their planned Armageddon.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Aieee the ids of May....? May Day, May Day?? The Great Awakening [Video]
looking for beautiful things....? timing is everything, if not anything? what, time is it??
Friday, May 3, 2013
Still winning... the "shadow" empire is imploding, where's the Gold?
What gold? The world is truly an enormous place… and, despite the dearth of good news and positive trends out there, I still see a lot of amazing opportunities in my travels.
But it’s really important to remain grounded about the challenges that face us. These are clear warnings signs that a rational person simply cannot ignore.
Bottom line, nations are going bust. And the worse things get, the more desperate their tactics become.
- The NSA’s Utah data center, which will intercept every phone call, email, and tweet sent across the Internet, is nearing completion.
- The Marketplace Fairness Act, which will create additional sales taxes on US-based Internet transactions, is set to pass the Senate next week.
- The government of Cyprus just passed the final bail-in measures, officially authorizing the direct confiscation of people’s savings in that country’s banking system.
- The Bank of Japan recently announced its intentions to double down on their already unprecedented money printing operations.
- Not to be outdone, the US Federal Reserve just announced that they will maintain their Quantitative Easing program, which dilutes the existing money supply by more than $1 trillion annually....had enough
I've had it!!
Time to rebuild...
The Planet