
Monday, April 29, 2013

My Man in Tokyo....Good news all around, Ben Fulford (April 30 2013) ~ Desperate Sabbatean Mafia Tries To Bribe Putin With Offers Of World Power: Gnostic Illuminati

Ben Fulford (April 30 2013) ~ Desperate Sabbatean Mafia Tries To Bribe Putin With Offers Of World Power: Gnostic Illuminati

Having been in a hazy funk for the last week or so, something brought on by the Boston Obomascare, which coincidentally happened the same day that a bipartisan commission on torture, handed down a indictment of WAR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. This by a Federal Court, against Clinton, Bush, and Obama, well, what the hell, just a few more collateral casualties, AMERICAN NONCOMBATINS, women and children on main street, in the neverending WAR on everything, But to the point, I've been sick at heart over the apparent complicity of the American people, for allowing this travesty against the World, for year after year, that I reached a point where I lost sight of the bigger picture. The world not just America must change, for the better, or we all burn up. Ether by a nuclear war, a meteor strike, or God only knows what. Yet here we stand, at the theshold of historical significance, do we save our dieing planet, bring true equality to the masses? Remove corruption from everything. Or do we let the evil ones get away with our souls? Don't know about you, but I'm in it to the end. I'm done with being the fuel that feeds these parasites, done with the insidiously imposed fear that our government has force on the world, just so the privileged can be uberrich! Oh hell no I say, ENOUGH. TO HELL WITH YOU AND YOURS...(why does anybody need more than a million dollars, rupals,pounds, marks, or seashells, life is so much more than blatant opulance, its about family, health,security, happiness...let's bring back the beauty, the grander, the laugher, the light of truth will set us free....finally and into the future!!! LETS GET IT ON CHALLANGE BULLSHIT EXPOSE CORRUPTION LIVE FREE, DIE HAPPY AT LEAST GO DOWN LAUGHING!! PEACE, LOVE IS THE WAY....

Wolves eat sheep, right?

yes, we are all tired of the bull,
the stupid, staged "acts of terror"
when goverment policy is to create disasters,
to engage in acts of war, designed to confuse and
manipulate the American people into the belief that
the "goverment" is protecting us from...."them"....
oh on what a slippery slope lies the foundation of justice.
When all is said and done, and the course of this staged drama plays out,
we will most likely learn that the older brother was actually
working for the "government" as a asset, being used for information and as
a convenent patsy, to be played and framed, good job CIA,
you've managed to kill 4 Americans, while enacting the
largest martial law operation, since the Christopher Domer fiasco in
California. It's a little late for Americans to wake up.
The civil libertys war is lost and over, the Nazi's have won...turn in your knives and
pitchforks and guns....Long live Amerika!!
Oh shit, American Idols to go,
 this is important shit!!
see you in the gulog!
"they think they are, soooo smart, LOL"
"right, now if we could just house break them"

Saturday, April 27, 2013

It's on folks, the main power grab is in play, and they are playing us like scared children, Jerry Robinson ~ American Gestapo: Boston Bombing Reveals Washington’s True Colors

Jerry Robinson ~ American Gestapo: Boston Bombing Reveals Washington’s True Colors

you just can't buy off the Karma clause, what goes around,
comes around, the crimes of 200 years, exploiting the planet
 and it's people, there is a price to be paid, and it would seem the beast
  has turned on itself, my, my, shed no tears for Amerika...she is lost, bankrupt,
with no speak of, no dream, only the cost of reality. So many heads
yet to roll...time is up, what future is there, when you have to fear
 bright young men with promise, but then, there was JFK, RFK, MLK, MX,
 and who knows how many more, gone, at the peak of their promise!
We have allowed the wicked, the devious, the conniving, the shadows to take control and
do things to others that we are now having brought to bear on us, KARMA, you shouldn't laugh....
this is deadly serious shit, dumb shits, The universe will have justice, right will prevail, the wicked will burn, and those that aid and facilitate the corruption, they too will burn with their masters.
embrace the LIGHT
Personally, I've given up on America...every time I see George Bush's laughing face,
well, a little piece of me dies inside, the thought of such a arrogant, stupid, cowardly jerk of a criminal, living the American's over for this country of American Idol worshiping numbskull's. We deserve everything that's coming for us.
see you on the other side, hopefully!
By the way, there only remains one western country of freedom living peoples left on this planet,

Friday, April 26, 2013

WAR CRIMES, three administrations indicted...

THE SPECIFIC INDICTMENT of Bush Jr/ Obama/ CIA/ US Military “Torture of 9/11 Prisoners” at GITMO—is FINALLY CONFIRMED as a “WAR CRIME” | Alternative

George Washington ~ Everyone’s Talking About “False Flags” … Isn’t That Another Bogus Historical Conspiracy Theory?

George Washington ~ Everyone’s Talking About “False Flags� … Isn’t That Another Bogus Historical Conspiracy Theory?

Tony Cartalucci ~ Confirmed: Both Fbi And Cia Watched Boston Bombing Suspects For Years

Tony Cartalucci ~ Confirmed: Both Fbi And Cia Watched Boston Bombing Suspects For Years

Do you really think Bill Gates lets his family eat monsanto's crap? Daisy Luther ~ Kosher Certification Program Bans All GMO Ingredients

Daisy Luther ~ Kosher Certification Program Bans All GMO Ingredients

Good to hear, someone cares about their children. it would appear that the India farming community have had it with Monsanto as well. With over 270,000 suicides of bankrupt farmers, leaving a industry reeling in debt and crop failures, not to mention the devistated familys. They (Indian farmers) have turned to drinking Monsanto pesticides, which does speed up the process that appears to be Monsanto's larger agenda, massive agro-farms, with no little farms to compete with them by producing viable healthy renewable seed stocks. It's all about the seeds,  future crops, nothing but the money, through the control of "plant & seed patients " Whatever the banksters are doing to the marketplace, and your wallet, Monsanto is doing to our food supply and health, they are killing us all, just more quickly for some. The rest of us slowly, the slow starvation of nutritionally deprived foods....Wake Up! It's your health, your money, your future!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

When Benjamin Fulford talks, I listen!

"A member of the Japanese Yakuza was contacted by members of the cabal last week and told to inform the White Dragon Society that “after Kennedy and Bush would come Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and one other.” Since the Boston terror psy-ops included a bombing of the Kennedy Library and the missile attack in Texas took place close to the Bush ranch, the warning seems to be a hint that some major attacks linked to these two other presidents and “one other,” were planned for the near future.
Somebody has also placed a $1 billion bet on a major US stock market plunge this week in what may be a sign of foreknowledge of further major terrorist events, according to an MI5 source.
There is also evidence of a huge information war between two major factions in the US over the bombing attacks in Texas and Boston. The Department of Homeland Security (SS) Sabbatean mafia faction staged the Boston attack in an attempt to create a psychological atmosphere favourable to martial law, while the opposition inside the agencies clearly tried to sabotage this attack and make it clear to all this was government staged.
In contrast to this increasing infighting and negative news in the US, there has been very good news coming out of Asia last week. A White Dragon Society representative returned from Beijing where talks with Chinese military leaders made it clear China was not going to be fooled into war by any Sabbatean (Israeli) false flag attack in the area. In addition, on the subject of North Korea"

Reposted from Benjamin Fulford Geo Political Report 4/23/2013

In following the events of last week, starting on the 15th, with the Boston marathon, it becomes increasingly clear, that the events were planned and executed by "people" with the power to access the crime scene before and after the "bombing. That the media information stream was well directed and contradictory, that as usual, that many agencies are all deeply involved in the events. My take on the whole mess is simple. The "Black" Government types, set up, and ran this operation, having already placed their "suspects" on scene, then chased them down at their leisure, allowing the local authorities to do their dirty work, it ismost surprising that anyone came out of the "HUNT" alive, DEAD men tell...very little. Yet time will tell, the truth is harder to hide these days, but the net effect is simple, the main news story on the 15th was that the War Presidents, [Clinton, Bush's, Obama] were indicted on war crimes agansit humanity, the Media absolutly blew over this little news story, but even so, now a small proportion of society is waking up to the "Bull Shit War On Terror". they will rob and kill us all, if we allow them free rule, the bastards know their time is coming to a end, I like to think this is the last grab, for money, for legitimasy, whatever, it will and must stop. LIES, LIES, AND MORE STUPID LIES, IT IS ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. IF THE PEOPLE RUNNING OUR TOP AGENCIES, ARE THIS CLUELESS, THEY NEED TO BE FIRED, and if they knew, even worse! Time to take responciblity for the rights and care of this world, for the creatures that can live only here, and we, the caretakers of this cosmic garden of delights. We are better than this people, time to clean out the vermin.....NOW!!

GE Christenson ~ Falling Into A Golden Twilight Zone

GE Christenson ~ Falling Into A Golden Twilight Zone

Gold @ $50.000 oz.?? crazy...?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Jon Rappoport ~ Media Magic: Not One Angry Person In Boston

Jon Rappoport ~ Media Magic: Not One Angry Person In Boston

I'm so angery...ooooow

LOL, this should be a folk song, If yous want to get get to Heaven get busy, busy hacking, another rightous soul... to death, oh ya....Paul Craig Roberts ~ If You Want To Go To Heaven, You Had Better Get Busy Overthrowing Syria

Paul Craig Roberts ~ If You Want To Go To Heaven, You Had Better Get Busy Overthrowing Syria

how quickly the tide moves in...
can you say, lock-down,
it's the new martal law....
and if it plays in Boston....
meanwhile, back in MY universe...
haha, just kidding France, France?
did i say....ha ha?
Black and Tans, I've counted 11 total, but thats
just 1 image search, I'm sure there are many more.
after all, we get the bill for all this crap$$$
need I say more
got ur back, right, check, hey!! that, that... WTF??
oh, it's ok, its Homeland Security chasing down,
Foreignland Security? I donut??
this is starting to piss on me!
yes, that's the answer! anti-gravity!!
as my arch nemisis sleeps.....
yes...we plan, we laugh,, we sing pirate shantiiiiieees!!

But she so hot she don't need no panties"I LIKE PANTIES!!     NO GIR....SHANNNNTIIIIES!
How did you get on here!!!
stupid browser, was looking for Girl Scout cookies....
got south korean child porn.....duh!!
but I ingress...egress? cogress, there,
as I was cogressing nicely....BAM!!
ther it waz, staring me right in the wazoo...wazoo?
right in the ayes, thats right, ayess I say's,
so I picks up my favorite stick, and do the ponytail dance....
oh, you think thats funny...?
In the old days, one of us would lose...a head.
I like the new rules....
love rocks!!
to the core
beauty, is in the beholder,
behold greatness,
behold a future...

 my future...
still looking for that great pairing... 


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Reboot 2013-Holy Shit 2014-OMG 2015

Freeing minds, one dick at a time, the new dynamics,  all our chickz have dickz,  Dick Chenny must shizzlel the drizzel my chizzels...sizzzzzzeeeeel. bad man bad bad man, verdy bad man. Can you say Kellogg Halloburton, corruption on a global scale, throw in a little BP and walla, we're all fuked! Back to Dick...He is rumoured to be in di skys? Most recent photo below,
4-15-13, top story...INDICTED!!!??


Friday, April 19, 2013

Cold steel, heating up...

Cold steel, heating up,
gentle strings, sing for me.
Help me through these winter nights, long and empty, yet for these strings that tie me to now, wrapping me lightly, holding me down, tightly to a moving ground.

What shall I find, to cut myself free. Oh handsome Angel, what is it I see, taking me, into the minds of our fathers, the forest of never a sound, come strings, let us find the last oak tree, that lonesome surviver, last of his kind. In exile, so silent, on this great holy mound. A gentle soul, so olden and proud, countless suns he's weathered, the star storms of time.

Takahashi's lost song of lament...

Wow,  stumbled onto this song I wrote 36 years ago, back then I thought that I would never get over this parting. The first of three ex wives....before the births of my two sons, and ex 2 & 3, Guess I got over it, but that promise of greatness, I can still remember the joy of that promise, I still seek that greatness, only now I look within, (women? What can you do, I tryed) true joy can only come from the heart. Thank you for the time we shared Ms Kim. You were and always will be one of a kind, to the future, we will, meet again my love...!!! I have followed you through time, so many lifetimes, so many endings, time after time,

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Smoke and mirrors, and all this time, you believed we won the Relolution! You may not know that the Queen of England "owns " a "ranch " near the Denver Airport complex, (Secret NWO UNDERGROUND ARK) what a lie we live. But you can only hide the truth, from yourself, I, for one, refuse to be the fool. Time for accountability!

Judge Dale, Ret’d ~ The Missing 13th Amendment | Shift Frequency

Revolution of the heart, starts in the mind!

We will win,
I have already!
Within the mind and heart,
It's so hard to know the truth, and be true to the faith...that justice sometimes takes time to unfold, sometimes we wish the horror inflicted, on be repaid, in full measure, yet to break the cycle of evil, we must become so much more that the reality we wish to change, the true revolution is of the heart, driven by love, anything less is just that.

Change your heart, change the world.

I highly recommend shift frequency, a site to grow your heart and mind.

The end is out there...
Love in the now.


THE ORIGINAL MAFIA, GANGSTERS IN 3 PIECE SUITS....Rand Clifford ~ Earth’s Alpha Predator: Zionist Mafia

The false flaggers are at it again, really? A marathon?
they sure like the "soft" targets, children, refuges, sleeping targets.
Cowards and devils, the true face of evil...

All that is left for us, is our minds, and there is a
constant battle for that...
So stay asleep, pay your "dues"
and maybe, just maybe, they will allow you a dignified death, maybe.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hello Kitty! You got fudge on your chin.

Great day brewing, nothing but fluffy giant marshmellow cloud's with carmel linings, mmmmmmm. Delicious, so where did the strawberrys come in. Guess it's just that kind of day! Berry good with oozing chocolate fudge flowing like hot delicious lava. Oh the carnage, the horror,
if only life were so...delishiously simple,
Yes my Kitty's
time to wipe the goo from our collective chins,
there, isn't that better...
on to the big news,
open letter to Ben Fulford from Neil Keenan and Keith Scott,
yes, for those of you paying attention,
the powers that be, seem hell bent on starting
another world war, another round of power flexing,
money grabbing, basic bull shit 101.
Well, they are to late, the rules have changed,
the times are shifting, reality is becomeing real.
They may succede in blowing themselves up,
but the world is done with war...really.
When comedians make more sense than world leaders...time for change.
Bill Maher puts it in such great context, have a look
just another fabricated attempt to creat fear,
people will do anything out of fear.
911-our goverment at work, on Sept. 11, 2001,
the US goverment conducted a Nation wide emergency preparedness test,
against a "airborne terrorest attack"
hummmm, the only time they have ever had the Air Force, stand down,
there was NO AIR DEFENCE, over America on that day...?
Our shadow goverment did this (911 attack)to us, to take the libertys
they couldn't take any other way.
but that is so much history,
the that's what it's all about...
it's a new dawn in the future of mankind,
with alittle help from our friends,
we slip into the new reality, where love is the defining rule of law.
as the EVIL slips away...having had, their day.
must give props to the "DEVILS DINER"
located "off" Mill in Tempe town,
It's awesome to have a great breakfast eatery back on Mill Ave.
something tasty about Sunday morning noosh @ the DEVILS DINER, sinfully delish.
if your in the neighborhood, well worth the coinage,
and they treat you like the Devil hisself....mmmmm.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Stuart Wilde ~ Fear We Don’t Need

Stuart Wilde ~ Fear We Don’t Need

Fear, a state sponsored war of terror, yet the only thing we truly own and control is our emotions, our state of mind. This they won't allow, fear is their most powerful weapon, To defeat the evil empire (it is you know, EVIL) we must be fearless, live large, and laugh in the face of evil and corruption,  NOW! 
It's a beautiful world, truly. I gaze in wonder, even as the crooked barbarians are in the vaults, saddly they think only of wealth and power, mere things in a limitless universe, its almost funny, yet all will be right in the world, thank you John Lennon, you gave us the songs we sang, as we imagined a better world. The war is over. Toy soldiers need fewer toys, the world needs more hospitals. Water needs to be free and abundent, governments must be efficient, and free of corruption,society can be healthy once again.Peaceful even. Out of the old crap, a brave new world,  A sweet smelling world. And it is happening all around us, now, a new reality, is dawning.  A new perspective is forming, yes magic has returned, Heros awaken, time to be Legendary, time to matter, to make the difference, to make the future!!

We deserve so much better than the slavery of state ownership,





MAYDAY, MAY DAY,  MAY I Have another?